2009, A Review

2009, A Review
Photo by Jean-Philippe Delberghe / Unsplash

So we’re officially in the future again.  Just like the year 2000, we can sit down and come up with a great and amazing list of all the awesome things we’re going to do in this new amazing future.  And I’ll be sure to get to mine soon.  There is plenty of time to not complete it and blame Canada for my failures.  So to prepare for the future we must study the past so that we may learn from those mistakes.  And repeat them.

And repeat them.

Is there an echo in here?  Probably.  You know, I saw a lot of people complaining about what a terrible year 2009 was for them.  I am genuinely sorry to here your year was less than stellar and hope that it wasn’t my gas that ruined the year.  I’m sorry, I was backed up a bit.  Did you lose your job?  Your home?  Your friends?  Family?  Your health?  If you answered yes, that is terrible, and I can only hope you gain them back in 2010.

If you answered no, then turn that frown upside down.  Your year was much better than the boob above.  Right?  Don’t just say you will make things better this year, but set some specific goals for yourself and then do them.  They say that is the way to success.  Making lists.  Not the top ten lists of 2009 that destroyed our souls worse than a polar bear attack.  But an actual useful list with detailed goals that you can work towards and achieve.  As the great and egotistical goose here’s my list from 2009.  Some “firsts” and some points of interest that I am proud of achieving for the year.  Then I’ll come back in a bit and post my goals for 2010.  Good.  Great!  GRAND!  NO YELLING ON THE BUS!

– Bought my first bed.  It is the WIN.

Bought my first tv.  Shiny.

– Decided I need to not worry about my weight, but instead worry about my health and my shape.

– Got my mountain bike up to 26mph.

– Adopted my first pet.  Steve the Pirate.  Yeargh!

– People told me I look skinnier.

– Paid off my student loans.  Early.

– Got a promotion.

– Decided to buy a road bike and bike 180 miles in two days for Pelotonia.

Nine things.  Good for me.  I could of easily made a list of nine things that sucked about 2009.  But that does me no good.  Mostly cause I can’t honestly blame them on Canada.  Well maybe number four, but that isn’t the point.  The point is that if your glass is half empty get another beer.  We’ll get those goals up here soon.  Until then take care and funk on.

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