
I thought Squirrel might like this one, sitting up in his tree all cute. Holding his sniper rifle. It’s a story about Juba(Try searching for him on an American news website, I dare ya.) He is a sniper in Iraq that is demoralizing our troops. We have no idea what he looks like, because he is a good sniper. Maybe we should send Ed Harris and Jude Law to snipe his ass.

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Interesting Stuff

Found some interesting stuff out on the interweb. So I’ll post it here for you. A cool picture of a rainbow tornado. I don’t know if it has been photoshopped or not. If it was, they should of gone for more ridiculousness. Perhaps adding in a shot of the man in the moon eating a small child. Here is a clip of Who’s Line is It featuring Richard Simmons. Oh the hilarity that insues. And here is a clip of

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Mo Money Mo Problems

So I woke up today, and did a little reading online of what people think is important. I saw a bunch of blogs of people bitching about how congress didn’t up minimum wage but they’re gonna give themselves a raise. They were posting this as if this was shocking to them, or should be shocking to me. It isn’t, why in the hell would it be? Shit, they even act as if this is news. This isn’t news, they’ve been

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Save Screetch!

So Screetch is trying to raise $15,000 so they don’t forclose on his house by selling tshirts at the website for $15 bucks. Now I would like to point out that, this is pretty damn funny. It’s Screetch. This is really damn funny. However, as funny as the situation might be, it is sad, and I do feel bad for Dustin Diamond. His stand up is actually quite good, for all you haters out there that haven’t seen him

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Against School

I read this article and found it to be very interesting. I smell a little bit of hippie in there, but it’s cool. Anyways it is talking about how school is design to keep you bored and stupid. Surprisingly enough this guy is able to document it very well. I suggest you check it out if you have an extra five minutes.

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