What is Inside iPod’s Earbuds?

You probably never really thought about it, but the stock earbuds apple gives you are quite impressive sound quality wise. Here is an article the dissects the earbuds so you can see what is inside them. Definately worth a look in my geeky, better than you opinion.

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MP3 of the Week

So this one comes to us from an album recomended to me by Squirrel. From the band Muse, which I can admit I had never heard of before. This song is off their fifth album Black Holes and Revelations and is definately a single if not the first single off this album. After listening to this album I find it hard to believe I haven’t heard of them before, that is some high praise coming from good ole gooseneck. So

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Kevin Federline Sucks

He does. He sucks big ass donkey balls. I’ll even post to his “official” music video so you can see how bad he sucks. It’s like Vanilla Ice times stupid. And that is really hard to fucking do. It just hurts my head so much that he has a record contract because he maried Spears. I mean I love lamp, but I don’t have a record deal. Between this fucking wanker and Paris Hilton’s album it is no wonder we’re

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Free Legal MP3 Downloads?

Found this article this morning about a new company called Spiral Frog that is planning on providing free music downloads that are legal. They plan to do this by using advertisments. Surprisingly they reportedly have one of the major labels already signed up. It is suppose to be up and running here in the US by December. Happy ThanksChristmaska to gooseneck!

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October 3rd Declared “Day Against DRM”

Found a post over at Defective by Design. They are looking for ideas to protest DRM I suppose, I’m not sure, I just read it, but you can’t expect me to recall what I just read. But yeah these ideas are gonna be for the Day Against DRM, October 3. They are even giving out prizes, and prizes make me all tingly on the inside. Also here is a great quote on the post: “If consumers even know there’s a

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R.I.P. Maynard Ferguson

Maynard Ferguson passed away yesterday. A great musician. You might be sitting there saying you don’t know who it is. Remember the Rocky movies? Remember that kick ass trumpet? Below is his management’s statement. LEGENDARY MUSICIAN MAYNARD FERGUSON DIES Grammy Nominated Trumpeter Known for “Gonna Fly Now” Theme To Movie “ROCKY” was 78 Ojai, CA (August 24, 2006) – Walter “Maynard” Ferguson, one of the most influential musicians and band leaders in the history of Jazz, passed away August 23rd

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MP3 of the Week

So here is the first single off of Weird Al Yankovic‘s new album Straight Outta Lynwood. It says not too, but he has it up on his Myspace(Boo!) anyways. It is damn catchy and funny like all his stuff. P.S. Sorry if I have overloaded on the Weird Al lately. I think the title of this one explains itself. Download Don’t Download This…. by Weird Al Yankovic

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Incubus – Light Grenades in November

So Doubel Rom A pointed out to me today that Incubus has a new album coming out with a new album called Light Grenades in November. This will definately be one I shall look forward to getting. Especially since Doubel mentioned Incubus happens to be The second greatest band ever. When I asked him who the best band ever was he said, and I quote Devo Who am I to argue?

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