Deja Vu

So last night I was sitting about lazily, being bored out of my mind since I had nothing to do on my Friday ngiht off. I was watching Blade II and enjoying it greatly since I had never seen it before.

When I got a call out of the blue by a few Brothers heading over to the vu.

SURE! My penis replied. Coupons for free cover were printed off, and in the purple haze we drove excitedly to the land of boobies.

With only the $10 drink charge we were in the door, sitting down and enjoying the view. Regretably I only had $10 on me so no dances were had, but the view was nice, and it was good times with brothers.

One of the Brothers felt really bad that he had “wasted” money on a lap dance. However we quickly reminded him in the words of the Horse’s Ass Hopz0rs.

[quote:]You’re not spending money on a stripper, you’re investing in memories.

Well put. Afterwards we came back and had a few drinks, and some good talk. Indeed memories well invested.

Ninja monkeys are meeting as we speak, plotting my demise. This is not just an idle statement, no. This is a promise, a threat, and a homonym. Sometimes I have to apply ointment to the elephant in the room while in other instances pants are opshunal. Never forget to have a beer and enjoy the conversation.

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