An Update on Goose - October

An Update on Goose - October
Photo by Dean / Unsplash

Not much happened on the home front. Got all my pcs up and working. Was the glorious month of Febtober, and so of course I spent many all evenings enjoying one many tasty octoberfest brew. Other than that, I got to spend some time with my Squirrel. We hung out, played a little of the good ole CS with the Mr. Vish. We went to the OSU vs MSU game and had a blast. My little Squirrel grew up and became Squirrel Esquire the Third attorney at law. We got drunk. I think we might of killed a chick. But its cool, cause he’s a lawyer. He can object n shit and we’ll be all like free. Cause thats just how we roll. Yay Goose and Squirrel! Yay Lindsey! She brought us beer and kicked the shit out of a baby. It was awesome!

I haven’t been drinking. I’m not drunk. You don’t decide that. I’m the decider of my drunk. Dammit you made me spill my beer milk. Tasty awesomeness milky milk. I have to pee……

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