An Update on Goose - September

An Update on Goose - September
Photo by Dhruvansh Soni / Unsplash

Uneventful month.  Not a lot happened, other than being better than you.  Bought a new processor for my pc, 2600+ Barton.  Made it scream!  For three days.  My mobo died.  No worries, I have the exact same uber mobo in my second box, I’ll use that.  A week later it died.  Sigh.  So I bought two new cpus and mobos.  Yay!  Even better.  Turned the second one into my fileserver, which I had wanted to do for years.  Ended up finding an acceptable replacement mobo for my barton.  Got it up and running.  Once I get some more cash, I’ll be able to turn it into a tivo.  Hooray!  Other pc project I had wanted to do for years.

The rest of my life was business as usual.  Dealing with assclowns and massive wanks.  Enjoyed my new car.  Did some stuff I think.  Thats it for September.

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