Why is it that after I see Squirrel and Lindsey, I always have a bad day? At least I have some of this to make me feel better
Ninja monkeys are meeting as we speak, plotting my demise.
Why is it that after I see Squirrel and Lindsey, I always have a bad day? At least I have some of this to make me feel better
I found this on the Youtube and really liked it, so I thought I would share.
A new trailer is out. I had to buy a new pair of pants. I am really looking forward to this movie. Fucking pumped. I have no issue being the old non twelve year old in the theatre.
Not really. They’re stupid. Just read the article. You’ll understand I promise. I’m not saying starbucks is stupid….That isn’t who is stupid in today’s story kids. You’re offended by something written on a paper fucking cup. Through it the fuck away! The guy
Nine Inch Nails released their new album online for you to stream from their website. You can check it out here. The album is going to be released for your purchase soon, so if you like it, go buy it. Also I’ll add a link to this article. It
Thats right ladies. Put those vaginas away cause here comes some sports. This is some damn fine basketball. It is the ending to a game, and its impressive.
So apparently, and I just learned this today. So I’ll share it with you just in case you didn’t know this. Apparently if you go to a strangers house to drink, and you see a slow cooker, cooking meat you have to turn it off without telling anyone
Ok so here it is. I’m the tortoise remember? Anyways what has ole goosey goose been up to you might say? Shit. Well thats not true, but I did have a good poop earlier, and in life, it really is the small things that count. Turned 26 last month.
So teabag aka a rom double wants me to post something new. So until then, here is a picture that made me chuckle. Then it made me cry on the inside. Then I killed a kitten and had a ham sammich. Now I feel better. Here it is: The pic
So George Takei gave a response to Hardaway’s gay comments. Good for him, yay gays and all that. All that, its not important. What is, is that George is hilarious, and so is his response.
That’s right. It’s that time of year where if you are in a relationship you are better than everyone else. Also the women get to show off how whipped their men are. Men, we get to show how neutered we are. The fat cats at hallmark are smoking
I think the image speaks for itself. It links to the original site. I’m not that creative afterall.
So I live in Michigan. Not sure why, maybe cause jesus hates me. Anyways, if you don’t live in Michigan you might not be aware of the fact that its cold here. Hehefgh! I know. It’s all north of shit, but why the hell is it cold? Remember
So they’re making an Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie. It looks like it might actually be pretty funny. I would definitely check out the trailer. I hear that some people don’t like their tv show. That’s cool. I find it hard to understand, since I have a
That is all.
So I was at the Crunch getting dinner and a tasty brew. Like you do. Watching the foosball. A commercial came on for this movie, we're sitting there watching it, we can't hear it, cause we're in a bar. It looks pretty bad ass,