Behind the Music,
Nick Lachey,
Britney Spears,
Jessica Simpson,
Andre the Giant,
Princess Bride,
So I got home from work tonight, like you do. Took out the garbage, like you do. Made something to eat, and sat down to watch some tv, like you do.
Ended up watching Behind the Music about Nick Lachey. I gotta say, that show definitely put him in some good light. I use to think he might be some douche like that douche with Britney Spears. But he definitely seems like a genuinely good guy. A good guy who happened to land an amazing pair of tits. And I say shes just an amazing pair of tits because…..well…..I’m sorry, what were we talking about. I lost track, my Jessica Simpson pr0n came on. So to all those good guys that get shit on out there. Fear not, for after all that shitting on, you’ll find that perfect woman.
Then I caught the biography on Andre the Giant. If you’re into wrestling like I am/is/was(insert verbbage) then you’ll know that he is the one that made wrestling into what it is today. If not, you’ll remember him from the Princess Bride. I’ll give you a hint, he’s the big guy. He too was a good guy, who was all up in the ladies. The ladies loved him. I think it was cause he had big feet. And you know what they say about a guy with big feet. He wears big shoes. And his penis is big.
So that was my evening. How was yours? Bitches.