Books Read 2022 Edition

Books Read 2022 Edition
Photo by Ben White / Unsplash

Books come and go, but gooses last forever. At least that is what I hear the French say. I was honestly a little sad there were so many distractions in 2022 that kept me from reading more. My “Books to Read” list is ever growing and it would have been great to make a dent into it but alas it just wasn’t meant to be. Like they say, when kicked in the nuts you have to roll with the lemons.

The Art of Deception - Kevin Mitnick
Zen and the Art of Admin Tasks - Nic De Castro
Terminus - D.J. Molles
Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work - Liz Wiseman
Imperial Gambit: Archangel One - Evan Currie
Time Management for System Administrators - Tom Limoncelli
Conscious Business: How to Build Value Through Values - Fred Kofman
I'm Proud of You: My Friendship with Fred Rogers - Tim Madigan
You are Special: Neighborly Words of Wisdom from Mister Rogers - Fred Rogers
Among Enemies - Evan Currie

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