Version 6 Version 6
Photo by Nadine Shaabana / Unsplash

So I’m currently working on updating funkyhouse. Give it a new look and what not. This one is a little “Blah.” Its simple. And simple is good, but it needs a somethin little more ya know?

And so I’ve been working on rehashing the layout a little bit, and figured I’d see if I might be able to update the content of the site as well. This is mostly coming from a conversation I had with a friend recently. I had been explaining to him that I was reading up on AJAX the new technology that is all the buzz these days. And he asked me when I’d be putting it up on funkyhouse. It isn’t as much my ability to use AJAX, its is more of a question of how. What need does my site need it?

So it got me thinking, going back thinking about why I started this website up. Originally, I made funkyhouse simply as an outlet to test my ability to make a website. That goal was clearly reached, I can make a website. After that I started changing the goal of the site to become some mega-super website. Some of my f

avorite sites on the web have been websites where I can engage with hundreds of people, I think thats neat.

That goal has never really been acheived, mostly because I’m simply too lazy to try and promote funkyhouse as much as I should. I tried to get other people to help me add content that people would come to enjoy. However that really didn’t work out, it isn’t their home, they had little need or interest to acheive it. Thats ok. In all honesty funkyhouse is still mostly for me. This is my site. My “home” online if you will. But I’m not a shut in. I like to think that the door to m house is always open. Slightly inherent as it is on the web.

So I’ve pretty much concluded that the next version of funkyhouse will focus a little more on being my house online. So the next question is what to include in my house?

My blog is an obvious first choice. I’d have to say it is the most popular part of the site right now, considering the majority of the posts to my blog have gotten at least 100 views each. I think it is fantastic that people check my blog out. So I’ll say we keep the blog.

Since day one, the first real feature of funkyhouse has been the MP3 of the Week. In the real world, there is always music playing in my house, except for when I’m sleeping, and this should be reprsented in my funkyhouse too. The MP3 of the Week is a great way of representing the music I listen to in my house, and can also include what other people put on when they come to my house. That can be represented by what people suggest for the MP3 of the Week. So we’ll keep the MP3 of the week as well.

And then I say what else will stay? And I start noticing there isn’t really a whole lot here. Sure theres a list of beers I’ve drank, and a funny application to be my girlfriend(Which I’ll finish, I promise!). But all in all, my house is a little empty.

And that is ok with me, I’m a pretty simple guy, I don’t really need that much myself. But it is nice to have some things here when people come to visit in the real world. A couch, tv, speakers, dvd player, beer pong table, beer, etc. And so I think that should be represented in my funkyhouse as well.

So as guests in my funkyhouse what would you like to see? Throw some wild wild stuff at me, anything you can think up. Let me have it! Post it here, send me an IM, send me an email whatever you want to do. Let me know what you think!

And since it is 4:30am, and I’m dead sick still I think I had better try and get to bed. So peace the fuck out.

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