It is All About gooseneck
Soulless Asshole,
So I went home today, for my grandfather’s 85th birthday party. It was a good fun time. I drove home tonight from Detroit to Lansing going no faster than 65mph, because my poor red roller won’t go any faster anymore. But I realized I haven’t posted anything about me lately. And we can be honest with each other. That is why you come to the funkyhouse. So now that I have obviously stated what I did today, lets do a little recap of what has been up lately with me.
Started full time at work this past week. Hooray! Health benifits are good mmmkay. I might also get a raise if I don’t suck it up this week. Hold your breath for me.
I moved into my new place, a month ago. I’m still unpacking for fuck sake. Whenever I set some time aside to pack I always get ten other things popping up that I “have” to do. You really can’t catch the sarcasm in that over the webternet.
In the move, all my boxes save my desktop, took a dump. Fuck them huh? Obviously since I haven’t had time to unpack, I’ve had TONS of time to work on fixing my computers. Especially since I spend a minimum of eight hours a day fixing other peoples computers. However during a night of insomnia last week I did spend a little time installing Ubuntu on one of my boxes to test out. I even got it to work this time! Happy me. Now I can actually work on getting all of my computers over to linux. Opensource is r the winnar!
My rant I have been promising….I don’t think its gonna come, at least not right now. I am so apathetic to being angry right now, I’m not sure I could writ e up a proper rant at this point.
I have also cut it off with Katie Holmes. We are through. I could handle you marrying Tom Cruise, even having an asian baby with him. But the whole mindless zombie “Look at me I’m in Scientology. I eat my own boogers” thing just isn’t cute. That thing you did with your lip, now that was cute. Masturbatory cute. So we are done Katie Holmes. Keep eating your boogers, I’ll find someone else to be my future wife.
So I am currently looking for a new “future wife.” I am compiling a list of potentials from which I will make a final choice. Suggestions are welcome.
What am I listening to? Some stuff here and there, nothing is really grabbing my attention to well. The one thing worth mentioning is Erik Mongrain, who does some pretty cool stuff with a guitar. It’s like magic, only not so. Check him out here.
I think that is about it for me tonight.
Fuck you,
gooseneck Dave