New Something New

New Something New
Photo by Lukas / Unsplash

Ok so here it is. I’m the tortoise remember? Anyways what has ole goosey goose been up to you might say? Shit. Well thats not true, but I did have a good poop earlier, and in life, it really is the small things that count.

Turned 26 last month. Got to spend it with my besterifictist friends Squirrel and Lindy. It was great to see them. But I was sick. Not good poops. See where I’m going? I’d put a picture of poop here, but I think I’ve used that joke in this post already.

Dog Poo
Drip, drip drip.


After that I got better. Been working, normal type stuff. Same old really. Not a whole lot I can post on. Not really doing any of that “deep” shit. Not going out a whole lot, just don’t really feel like it.

Been working on getting all my data off my main box so I can reinstall the OS. Gonna switch to linux. Hooray. Gonna get my webserver box up tomorrow night. Found a how to on how to set up a pc as a wireless router, looked promising. Should look into that as well.

Was really nice outside today. I had to drive home through campus. Fuck construction. The view was nice though. Real nice.  I mean I killed a kitten.

Saw 300 yesterday. Awesome! Visually orgasmic. The music was damn fine too. Although if you’ve seen it, you were probably too busy looking at the screen’s goodies. The boobies were nice too. Acting wasn’t too bad. And you’ve got to consider it’s a movie based off a graphic novel, based on a story about a war that happened in the before time. Although there was one problem with the movie. Did you catch that Rolex in the one scene? Me too.

Tried to get ahold of Vish. He’s a tough cookie to get ahold of. He owes me m00nz. Anyways I think thats it for this installment of “I’m bored, but SOOOOO amazingly buzy I had to post in a blog.” So fuck off all you wankers.

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