Out of the Black: Odyssey One

Out of the Black: Odyssey One
Photo by NASA / Unsplash

This is the fourth book in the series and seems like it is the last. This is sad and quizzical at the same time.


Out of the Black Odyssey One by Evan Currie continues the adventures of the Odyssey crew and their galactic war against a relentless army bred for destruction and their enigmatic controllers…..who we don’t hear from. This would be OK since this book covers a pivotal battle for the survival of a planet. The book is non stop action and does well to set this hectic pace and make you experience the fatigue the soldiers do. We’ll learn more about the enemy behind the enemy, the history of the allies and tie everything together nicely in the next book. Except I don’t believe there is going to be a next book. This one seemed dues ex machina to completion. Which is really sad because Currie did an excellent job of bringing these characters to life. He did an excellent job writing in a specific sci-fi genre of space battles.

If you check the Amazon reviews you see a lot of negative reviews. “Half the fighting is on the ground!” I get it you were pulled in by the space battles, I was too. But how did you miss the over arching story? Or do you just not care? It’s fantastic! It just ends too soon. What about the planetary AIs? What about the enemy controlling the Drasin? Where the heck did the allies come from? Write these things down and put them in a fifth book please!

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