
Photo by Steven Weeks / Unsplash

So, I think I might as well post this great call. I seriously thought someone was fucking around with me at work today.

Got a call from a guy who said he didn’t have permission to view websites. This sounded like a personal problem, but since it is my job to support the ability to view webpages, I figured I would inquire into it a little bit. Asking him questions such as “Which website is giving this error?” “Is this happening with all webpages?” and “Can you download email?” all got me nowhere with this guy, he was dodging the questions faster than I could think of them.

After a few more attempted prods into exactly what he is doing so I can fix his problem, he says he can get sites like yahoo and google to come up. What I heard him say was “I just can’t get to my pran site.” Now I don’t know what his pran site is, and I don’t honestly care. But the site itself might be having problems, so I asked him for the address of his “pran” site. That is right, I said pran.

He said “No, no, porn site.” I asked which one. He said he has tried about fifteen of them. Please note, this is the exact point in the conversation where I say to myself “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation.” Being a pr0n god myself I figure he is trying to get into pay pr0n sites and simply doesn’t have permission. But he can’t be stupid enough to not be able to figure that out with fifteen sites right? Wrong. But I figure hey, easiest thing to do when having trouble viewing certain sites is to just clear the cache, restore the browser defaults, and send them packing, that will work for this guy.

Windows 95. Opening up Internet Options from the control panel brings up Internet Options from version 2.0. That can’t be right I say to myself, there is no bloddy way in hell yahoo is coming up in IE2.0. So I have him open the browser. IE4.04. Cool, I know my way around 4. Except the screens were still 2.0 Which is odd. I told him so. I also told him…..and I’ll quote myself…..”This is odd, this is IE4, but it is acting like 2. That shouldn’t be. Either way, IE4 is very out of date, and those pr0n sites are not going to support IE4. I would suggest going to m$.com and downloading IE5.5. You should have no problem viewing your pages with that upgrade.”

He simply said, ok, thanked me and hung up. At that point I figured someone had to of been fucking with me, but I double checked the callerid, and it was not coming from the call center. I don’t know why, but I feel sorta dirty now. I just got payed about $1.30 to help a man download pr0n……..I thought about asking my supervisor if it was somthing I should have been supporting……but….I think I’ll just take a shower and cry myself to sleep.

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