
Photo by Pradnyal Gandhi / Unsplash

I got pwned! I had applied for a promotion at work but got shot down, didn’t even make it to the interview. Not too terribly surprising, there are guys that have been there longer that deserve it, but that doesn’t mean I have to feel good about it.

So I’m gonna make myself a pot roast tomorrow. It shall be warm, and meaty, and delisous, and you can’t have any. Ha!

Unless you are squirrel, then you can suck on my nuts. NUT SUCKER!

It was one of my little bro’s 21st birthdays last night. He never called me to let me know what was going on, but by chance a few brothers were at Crunchy's when he showed up. So we drank and were merry. A prarie fire, and my traditional birthday shot(3 wisemen who have not partaken) with many beers later, he was extreamly drunk. And it was good. Some people might not be the happiest with him lately. But I still see the fire there, and I have to ask those that nay-say: What have you done to ignite his fire lately?

Now that I’m off the soapbox I’m gonna watch a movie. I don’t know which one, I was sorta thinking PCU, sorta thinking Office Space. I have this feeling starting to creep over me that I should watch Blues Brothers. However the roommates, or at least one of them is sleeping. And if I’m gonna watch Blues Brothers I’ve gotta have the sound up to rock out to that great movie. So maybe I’ll save that for sometime this weekend since I have it off. Gotta go, time for a Chinese Fire Drill!

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