Super Friends Office Space Spoof
This is fantasticly hilarious!
It is great.
This is fantasticly hilarious!
It is great.
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So each year for like the past ten years I have always set a goal for myself to read 24 books. Two books a month. It seems like it would be easy to me but I've never succeeded in that goal. Some years I came close and some
So I was recently on the road, like you do. You know, doing road stuff, just like Mel Gibson. I was about five miles from my destination when a tire pressure warning light came on for one of my tires being slightly low. I thought to myself "Meh, I&
It was a little bittersweet this year as some of my favorite book series seem to be winding down. With that I also read some old favorites again and tried to branch out a bit this year. I may be a goose, but that doesn’t mean I can’t
Books come and go, but gooses last forever. At least that is what I hear the French say. I was honestly a little sad there were so many distractions in 2022 that kept me from reading more. My “Books to Read” list is ever growing and it would have been