Thank Goodness for a Day Off

Thank Goodness for a Day Off
Photo by Missy Fant / Unsplash

Whew this week has been brutal so far.  At least I’ve been able to spend the morning relaxing while listening to some music.  The Slip if you are interested.  Check it out, it’s free and worth a listen.  Just bought the Ghosts I-IV from them.  I know the album was suppose to be “Pay how much you feel” type of a thing.  But I paid for the download without checking it out.  I don’t know if the music is good, but I like the business model, and where NiN is going with it.  It is a sad state of affairs when I’m looking for music based on the business model.  I will say I think they’re on to something.  They don’t need record companies anymore, all they need are tubes connected to the neterwebs.

I’m not getting on a soap box right now.  I’m feeling relaxed and happy.  Time to grab some lunch and head out to buy some Ruination.

Stone Ruination IPA
Hooray Responsibility!


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