
Photo by Krish Parmar / Unsplash

Have the day off today, it is my birthday after all. Went to the tire shop to get some new tires. Yeah I know the Red Roller doesn’t need new tires, she needs to be set aside and left to enjoy retirement. But the tires on her had metal sticking out of them. I’m no car expert but I think thats bad.

So the tire place put the new tires on like they do. Guy comes and says he’s pulling my car around. I go stand out side. I watch him start it up, put it in reverse and back out, shakily. Throws it in first, and I can hear him ridin the clutch. When he gets out of the car I say

“Never driven in rush hour before I see.”

“I drive in rush hour all the time.”

“Not in a stick shift you don’t.”

“Sure I do.”

“That’s not what I heard just then.”

And proceeded to continue to bullshit him. He took it in good stride. Then he mentioned my emergency break light was on but “He didn’t think it was working.” I advised him its not told him to have a nice day and went on my merry way.

As I left the tow truck followed all the way to my street. I took that as a bit of a bad omen, and slightly amusing. But I did make it home so that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. Fuckers.

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