To 4AM!

To 4AM!
Photo by Hal Gatewood / Unsplash

It has been a while since I stayed up late working on webdesign. However I saw something online tonight that inspired me, so I had to sit down and at least get the idea started so it doesn’t disapear on me. Just about ready to impliment it in some testing. It is nice having some ideas to put into my webdesign. But it stinks cause I get home from working on computers all day, and the last thing I want to do is work on computers more.

I had fun tonight goin out the Leo’s Lodge and having a nice huge 32oz beer. Cold and cold, only free would have made it better. I’m going to assume tomorrow night is going to be really nice. I would love to be able to grill, sit outside and drink some beers, maybe even smoke a cigar. But to Hillsdale I go! Those guys are great and I’m always glad to be able to help them out. Should send them an email back, I think I’ll do that now.

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