Who Needs Sleep
Gah. Gah I say good sir! I need to go to sleep, but I’m not tired and I have things to do. But I have to go to sleep. So gah to you with your fancy sauces and frilly shirts with thirty percent more trendiness. You know I watched Juno again. Not so good the second time around. Especially after reading the ten minute version.
There aren’t enough hours in the day. I never feel like I have the time to get everything that needs to be done to be done. But wait, you say I watched a movie, and that’s not very productive. True, but then again I was working on a website while I watched it. That’s called multi-tasking. Oh snap I win!
At least I did get some things done tonight. I’d list them all here so I can prove my productiveness, but that would be just sort of childish, and you really don’t care what I did(HAHA!) But in honesty I added the lolzcat application to my facebook profile. Your move Trebek.