Happy Email

Happy Email
Photo by Hannes Johnson / Unsplash

This is an email that was sent to everyone at work from the head supervisor. It includes the notes from the call a supervisor took to tell him how awesome I am. Cleary she has the right idea. The name has been changed to protect the inocent.


This is a nice warm fuzzy! Way to impress the customer with your amazing support abilities. Keep up the good work, it is noticed!

“Awesome Ann” requested talking to me tonight as a super call. She then
spent the next 10 minutes heaping praise after praise on gooseneck and
what a fantastic job he did in solving her problems. She had been
frustrated and had been trying to get her problem fixed for several days.
She wanted us to know, that gooseneck took the time, was very courteous,
patient and understanding of “Someone who is not by any stretch of the
imagination, a techie!” and got her problems all solved and working.

She said she had never had such good tech. support out of a company before
and wanted us to know what a great employee she felt we had in gooseneck!

She also wanted us to know she is a very satisfied customer!

Way to really WOW the customer gooseneck, kudos and great job!

Keep up the good work!

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