Photo by Rebecca Peterson-Hall / Unsplash

So what is up with me?

I’ve been livn.

Nothin really new. Same old stuff, brand new day. Same bullshit, new person. Nothing too exciting really. Nothing surprising either. I suppose you could say my life has been fairly boring as of late.

My fridge was finnally fixed yesterday. Go back into my blog to see how long it was broken. Please note that my assdouche of a landlord did nothing but sending me emails asking…..and I’ll quote:


Is the fridge ok?


I had to call and set up a time for him to come out to take a look at it. I had to waste a morning sitting with my thumb up my ass waiting for him. I had to call my landlord, to get him to pull his thumb out of his ass to tell the repair man to bill him for it. I then had to call the repair man again, to set up another time when I could spend another morning wasted waiting on him. But at least now I have a working fridge. “For how long?” as I quote the repair man, is up in the air. Hopefully it dies soon, and I can stab the landlords eyes out with a peice of sand paper.

Did I mention I just had two buckets at Crunchy's? I did. So fuck you.

The person I would like to mention from my <3 list right now is Squirrel. Cause he p0wns and should be finished spanking his finals raw to the point where blood seeps from the ass. I <3 Squirrel. That is all. I've been getting some people inquiring about how to get on my <3 list. You might of seen it in my AIM profile. The answer is quite simple. Just like it says in my profile, start kissing my ass. Asking "Can I be on the <3 list?" will not get you there. In fact it will require more ass kissing to make up for that. This is no joke(well it is, but you won't get it anyways) if you want on the list, serious ass kissing must take place. I'm almost ready to upgrade my desktop to its new hard drive, my maxtor 250gb 16mb cache drive I bought a few weeks ago. p0wn. I've transfered all but about 10gbs off of my pc, so once I finsih that up I can get the new drive in here. ww! I <3 Squirrel I <3 Lindy I <3 Boogie I <3 Tacos I <3 Fajitas That is all.

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